Logo   LOGGER Processor Module

Published Source License
Screen Shots
SD Card Issues
Updating Firmware

Reference Information
Airflow Setup
Development Environment
I2C Addresses
Module Switches Setup
Processor Module Pinning
WattNode Modbus Adapter

Development History
Project Status
Software Revisions

PJRC hardware
ESP8266 Information

I2C Addresses

These are the I2C addresses that are recognized by the Logger code.

Address I2C Part Function
0x33 MAX11615 8 bit Analog to Digital Conversion
0x40 Si7006-A20 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
0x40 MS8607-02BA01 Pressure Humidity and Temperature Sensor (Humidity portion) The code automatically differentiates this from the Si7006-A20, only one can be present.
0x74 PCA9535 16 Pin I/O module with pins that can be inputs or ouputs
0x75 PCA9535 16 Pin I/O module with pins that can be inputs or ouputs
0x76 PCA9535 AC detector module or Edge detector module
0x76 MS8607-02BA01 Pressure Humidity and Temperature Sensor (pressure and temperature portion) The code automatically differentiates this from the PCA9535, only one can be present.
0x77 PCA9535 AC detector module or Edge detector module
LOGGER pages copyright 2016-2022 by Dragonnorth Group (Michael Newman).
Send comments and corrections to:
Webmaster: mnewman@dragonnorth.com