AD and technical notes:
This site is missing Technical Bulletin 8012 TM8012.PDF
which must be followed for US certification.
I used to own an LS8 sailplane. In 2020 it has been many years since that
time. This page is likely out of date.
These manuals were sent by the factory either to myself or to Ira
Bleiden way back when.
Good afternoon Michael Newman,
Here is the FAA-approved version of the LS8-a Flight Manual. I will send the Maintenance Manual tomorrow morning to avoid mailbox problems.
Next day...find included the LS8-a Maintenance Manual.
Best regards
Günter Schapka
Flugzeugbau GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Günter Schapka
Fon: +49(0)6103-403660
Fax: +49(0)6103-45526