Links to Brett's photos etc.

Directions to 16 Nason Hill Lane, Sherborn, MA 01770.

Soaring and Flying
Photo Database These active pages access a database of pictures, stories and the comments people put on the pictures.

Photo stories move here after time: Photo Library

Sugarbush Friends
A visit to Drakes's Anchorage Spring 2001 with Joyce and Ed Fredkin.
Foliage in Vermont 2000
Polly Gets a Duo Ride

Immediate Family

This link will take you to pictures of Andre (our dog) and his family.

Family Member Sites

Newman Family Email
Brett Dragonsouth
Jackie The Art and Science of Chinese Cuisine at Flavor and Fortune Magazine
Lenny Brookhaven Lab Research Group and Research Projects
Irving Celebrity Image Library: Irving Newman Photography
Ben (no longer active) formerly (no longer active)
Polly Horse Senseability
Ina 75th Birthday Party

Sites Built for Friends and Clubs
Warren Playground Dogs

Sites Hosted for Non-Profit Organizations The Gloucester Hornpipe and Clog Society Flavor and Fortune is Dedicated to the Science and Art of Chinese Cuisine.

Links to random stuff

Chainmaille Fashions Visit my good friend Lord Randolph

Digital Philosophy Digital Philosophy (DP) is a new way of thinking about the fundamental workings of processes in nature. DP is an atomic theory carried to a logical extreme where all quantities in nature are finite and discrete.

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