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Wildstar Farm
Case Law
Nason Hill Barn Fire Panel
Manure, Bugs and Disease
Rules & Officials
Solar Power

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401 Sandy Valley Road, Westwood, MA 02090

Polly and Mike bought a new home in Westwood, MA on July 30th, 2008. In the first couple of weeks some floors got refinished and a couple of rooms have been repainted. Mike and Polly moved in the fall.
The plan was to build a 20 to 24 stall equestrian facility with a large indoor arena on the property. This failed due to obstruction by serveral neighbors people who live many houses down the street. They claimed we were going to "Ruin the Rural Character of the Neighborhood". In the end we built some stalls and an outdoor ring and have given up on the indoor arena. We also installed a large solar array.

Page Contents
Photos and Location
Context Diagrams
Plot Plans
Passive Recreation References

Photos and Location


Photos of the property

View Larger Map

Birds Eye View

Context Diagrams

Base Plan Ortho (shows 12 acre lot, 4 acre lot is to the right)

Open Space Context (shows big picture of open space in the area)

Context Plan Ortho (shows nearby lots)

Open space to the west of the lot. This open space must be owned by a conservation organization or by a consortium of the owners of the Duffy subdivision lots. Eighty percent must be preserved in its natural state. It can be used for agricultural use specifically including grazing. About one third is dry. There is a 50 foot easement on the other lots adjacent to the west edge of the property that reads:

A perpetual non-exclusive easement is being offered to the Town of Westwood to use the 50 foot area shown as "50' wide access easement" on this plan for the purpose of public pedestrian passage and non-motorized vehicular passage. Persuant to which easement the construction or installation of fences trees or other landscaping features that might serve to restrict pedestrian or non-motorized vehicular movement along said access easement would be prohibited.

Plot Plans

Large image of the above plan

Wetlands Plan by GLM with proposed barn locations.

Color plot plan

Cover (.PDF 54kb) same sheet via FTP
Sheet 2 showing the current conditions (.PDF 698kb) same sheet via FTP
Sheet 3 Entire site (.PDF 746kb) same sheet via FTP
Sheet 4 Barn area blowup (.PDF 521kb) same sheet via FTP
Sheet 5 Construction Details (.PDF 331kb) same sheet via FTP
Sheet 6 Plantings (.PDF 534kb) same sheet via FTP

Passive Recreation References

Environmental Aspects of Horses on Trails From www.americantrails.orf Every trail user potentially causes some impact to the environment by his/her use. Compared to motorized usage, hikers, bikers and horses have been variously described as passive, light-weight, and/or low-impact trail users.

Plans from the prior owner

Egan Equestrian plan

EGAN plot Plan (.JPG)

Large image of the above plan

Orthographic Maps

Large context MA GIS (zoom out from the picture below)

Launch Mass GIS for this address

Town lands in abutting Lowell Woods

You can help support Wildstar Farm by buying Manure!
For a grand total of $20 you are entitled to take as much manure as you want (up to two pickup truck loads). Great fertilizer! You may come pick up manure during business hours any time in the calendar year of your membership. You may take as much as you want each time and come as often as you like. We even compost it for you!

$$ Manure Twenty Bucks $$

Yes this is a serious offer. It is important to us in two ways. First, we do have manure and it is great garden fertilizer. Every little bit that gets used for a good purpose makes us happy. Second, special Massachusetts agricultural rules apply to farms that have gross agricultural sales of at least $500. This gross income must come from agricultural products produced on the Farm. Manure sales are a very real component of this agricultural income for us. A total of of 25 Manure co-op members will satisfy this important requirement!


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Contact: mnewman@dragonnorth.com