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The story on this page is a selection of interesting photos in the directory: 2024 Q1 and Q2. The complete set of photos is available at: 2024 Q1 and Q2.

The cause of the injury and a quarter for scale.

About 19 wide, 34 high and 26 deep.

Teak Dresser. About 19" deep, 33" high and 76" long.

Misc chairs.

Wall mount glassware cabinet. About 16" deep, 18" high and 73" long.

Night stand.

Two chairs. About 26" deep, 34" high and 19" wide.

Marble oval. 56" by 36" Pedestal 14" high.

Marble Dresser. About 20" deep, 37" high and 41" long.

Desk and stool (2).

Small end table. Two stools.

Aunt Ruth table.

Bobse Dresser (mirror not shown). About 20" deep, 43" high and 35" long.

End table.

Dresser. About 21" deep, 30" high and 35" long.

The wire shown was routed behind this bar and the bar was screwed to the case trapping and compressing on the wire.

Instead of routing behind the bar I drilled a hole and put in this sleve.

Look carefully at the wire to see exposed copper where it wore through the insulation and shorted by touching the bar.

Original routing.

More photos from 2024 Q1 and Q2.

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