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Teensy Releases


Build Environment
Teensy Test Code

Teensy Test Code Releases

The Teensyduino development environment from PJRC http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html is used. Local copies of the versions in use for Teensyduino 1.19 (25Mb ftp) and Arduino version 1.0.5 windows installer (25Mb ftp) are retained.

Additional libraries i2c_t3 and rbuf are added by using the Arduino menu item: Sketch->Import Library...->Add Library... and selecting the zip file from the forum post: http://forum.pjrc.com/threads/21680-New-I2C-library-for-Teensy3 (local copy of i2c_t3_lib_and_sketch_v6b.zip (ftp 38K) Once the library is added then select Sketch->Import Library... and choose i2c_t3 from the list.

Audio libraries called AudioMaster are added by using the Arduino menu item: Sketch->Import Library...->Add Library... and selecting the zip file AudioMaster.zip which has to be unpacked from the release. This file should not change very often. Releases will have to note any changes and how to install or upgrade as necessary. There is a GIThub page for this library at https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Audio which may have changed since the local copy was captured.

Teensy Library Releases

These Teensy libraries are released by Michael Newman for others to use.

RevisionSizeZIP file
NextRelease The download files for the next release do not exist yet. As changes are made comments are accumulated here so items are not forgotten.

First Library release of MultiTimer and IntervalStepper 20150116

Teensy Work Log for Michael Newman. Send comments and corrections to:
Webmaster: mnewman@dragonnorth.com