Each photo is a link that will bring up a page with a medium quality image. Click on that image to get a high quality image.

David Wolsk
November, 2000

David is a friend of Mike Newman's now from Tucson AZ. He came and had a two hour Duo Discus adventure and took these pictures.

Later Flights
August, 2000

Martin and Mike manage an hour flight and a landout, fortunately aero-retrieved by Gerry.

Juan Caught a shot of Brett and Mike and then a few in flight with Mike.

Off at Mount Washington Juan took some fine aerial shots of the mountain.

Checkouts and First Flights
July 2-4, 2000

The Duo is unwrapped and first flown by Dave Nadler and Mike Newman

Brett and Mike enjoy an excellent flight together.

In flight over Sterling.

DragonNorth.com Webmaster: mnewman@dragonnorth.com