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The story on this page is a selection of interesting photos in the directory: Pool Pump Equipment. The complete set of photos is available at: Pool Pump Equipment.

This outdoor pool is supported by equipment that is downstairs in the small building shown. The downstairs area is much larger than it looks. The building only covers the staircase. The door to the building sticks, so if it is left open for work turn the knob and give it a tap with your knee to get it to open.

This is the pump and filter for the outdoor pool. Any work done should straighten out the routing of the input run to the pump with the red shutoff valve in the middle of the picture. That run could be a simple vertical run. A higher quality shutoff valve is also a good idea.

This view shows the outflow side of the outdoor pool installation. Backwash is further away in the photo. The coupling above the shutoff valve in the backwash had to be tightened too much to prevent a small seepage type leak. Check the gaskets and components while it is apart. If the return line is updated use a higher quality shutoff here too.

In this view the filter for the outdoor pool is behind the camera. This view shows the pump and part of the plumbing for the Polaris system.

This is the indoor pool. Note the handrail. Adding a similar handrail to the outdoor pool is desired.

This shows the filter and Polaris pump for the indoor pool. The main pump is out for repair and normally sits next to the Polaris pump. The small black cylinder on the wall to the left is the heat exchanger from the boiler to the pool water. The pipes behind it on the wall are boiler water. The pipes closer to the camera are pool filtration system water. The loose wire on the floor on the right is power for the Hayward pool pump.

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