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The story on this page is a selection of interesting photos in the directory: Lancair IV-P N776CM Inspection. The complete set of photos is available at: Lancair IV-P N776CM Inspection.

The house sits on a lake and has a private dock with this sailboat ready to go.

Looking back at the house from the boat dock.

The view from each room faces the lake.

... and the plane in the hangar.

The neighbors at the airfield are pretty interesting. Note the back of the truck. These trucks are used to easily haul floatplanes out of the lake.

On the second day Mike and Mark went out to the airfield. Here is Mark sitting in the plane.

Mark is the builder of this Lancair.

This photo was taken prior to the accident. It shows cowling to spinner spacing.

Pull the plane out and go flying.

Ron this shot is for you. Note what is sitting on those floats.

There are some great tools to make working on the plane easier. This jack makes it easy to do gear retraction testing. Mark says "the plane was actually built on this jack".

Back in the hanger at the end of the day, waiting for a trip to the factory.

There are lots of details which were looked at, this is a turbocharger mounted below the engine.

Mark's documentation is excellent. Home made placards are in many key places.

The placards give cautions about how to maintain certain items and information about how the systems are connected and work.

The gear retraction system is clever and has a lot of detailed parts.

Mark met Mike at the airport and invited him into his lovely home. This fellow greets people at the door.

More photos from Lancair IV-P N776CM Inspection.

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