Bonanza N8309N bird strike

Michael Newman

Repair Completed

The repairs were completed midday on Tuesday August 1st. (I'll post some pictures soon, but the fresh paint on the leading edges makes a tremendous improvement in how the N8309N looks!) The plane had to wait untill Thursday midday to be able to ferry it to Norwood. We expect to be back in the air by August 10th.

Repair Progress

These next pictures show the repair process including how the Bonanza wing comes apart at a piano hinge joint. The repair is being performed by Edmunds Aircraft Service, Nashua, New Hampshire 800 435-4740. This shop was recommended to me by the American Bonanza Society. It has been everything I have expected and more.

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Incident Report

On Sunday April 30, 2000 N8309N struk a bird over Cape Cod. The incident occured at approximately 8:30 PM at 3000 feet AGL in a descent at 180 Knots. A loud bang was heard. The aircraft handled normally after the strike and the landing was uneventful.

Position of red knife on the wing indicates outermost limit of leading edge deformation.

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