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Soaring Book Library

My favorite book on soaring Once Upon A Thermal gives a flavor of the fun and wonder of our sport. Sadly it is out of print and largely unavailable. I've been able to get it as a used book on Amazon.

Helmut Reichman created what are by far the best reference books on soaring. One is a basic text for the person learning to fly gliders: Flying Sailplanes and the second is the generally recognized 'Bible' on cross country and contest soaring: Cross-Country Soaring.

The best flight training guide is Tom Knauff's book Glider Basics From First Flight To Solo, also available from Knauff & Grove Soaring Supplies. Tom's other books in this training manual series After Solo and Transition to Gliders are the appropriate training manuals for other stages of learing.

My favorite text on flying is the classic Stick and Rudder by William Langewiesche. This book has the simplest clearest layman's explaination of how airplanes are operated from the pilots perspective.

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Contact: mnewman@dragonnorth.com